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The main family law of Japan is Part IV of Civil Code (民法, Minpō). The Family Register Act (戸籍法, Kosekihō) contain provisions relating to the family register (戸籍, Koseki) and notifications to the public office. Contents. 1 Background; 2 Marriage; 3 International marriage; 4 Children; 5 Divorce are not professionally trained and only have to be older than 40 years old.

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The Juvenile Law of Japan provides that punishment that is given to juvenile criminals who have not reached 18 years of age at the time that the crime was committed shall be made lighter than punishment that would be given to criminals who are 18 years of age or older.

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The conditions necessary for being a Japanese national shall be determined by the provisions of this Law. (Acquisition of nationality by birth). Article 2. A child .

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There are two different ways of calling the Japanese family members, your own family members and someone's family members. 義理の兄, ぎりのあに, giri no ani, Brother-in-law (older than you) お嬢さん, おじょうさん, ojou san, Daughter. Words for family members and other relatives in Japanese. The former is labelled inf and the latter is labelled frm. daughter-in-law, 嫁姑 (yome shūtome) .

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